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female Wet my diaper during my nap

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Hey, such coincidence... I'm wearing my very first Trest Elite right now. Couldn't wait till the weekend... so I'm just taking these 14 hours on a weekly evening + night, from 4pm (last time I peed on the toilet at work) until 6 am tomorrow morning when I need to shower and dress normally for work 🥰

(as for time zones, it's almost 11pm now here)

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19 minutes ago, Padded Kitty said:

Must be lovely to wake up in a soggy diaper and not remember wetting it. Not something I've ever experienced but sounds great. 

I prefer to enjoy the sensation of doing it in bed while awake then going back to sleep in a lovely warm wet nappy. Sometimes wake up not remembering if I’ve “been to the toilet” during the night though!

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2 minutes ago, nappypants said:

I prefer to enjoy the sensation of doing it in bed while awake then going back to sleep in a lovely warm wet nappy. Sometimes wake up not remembering if I’ve “been to the toilet” during the night though!

I can't relax enough to do that. O ly managed to wet lying down once and it took a while. If I tried that in the night I'd miss out on too much sleep lol

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7 minutes ago, Padded Kitty said:

I can't relax enough to do that. O ly managed to wet lying down once and it took a while. If I tried that in the night I'd miss out on too much sleep lol

Practice makes perfect, before long it becomes as natural as using the toilet. Having mattress protection can help you feel more confident and relaxed about doing it.

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1 minute ago, nappypants said:

Practice makes perfect, before long it becomes as natural as using the toilet. Having mattress protection can help you feel more confident and relaxed about doing it.

Yeah we have a good mattress protector. Like you said its a practice thing. I just have to wait untill I'm not at work to try it so it doesn't matter if I lose sleep. 

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14 minutes ago, Padded Kitty said:

Yeah we have a good mattress protector. Like you said its a practice thing. I just have to wait untill I'm not at work to try it so it doesn't matter if I lose sleep. 

As a last resort if you can’t sleep you can always get up and take it off and use the toilet (or alternatively, sit on the toilet and go in your diaper, and go back to bed nice and wet!)

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1 hour ago, minn33 said:

Put on a fresh Trest before bed last night. No genuine accidents, but think I did a good job filling it overnight? It's very heavy and soggy and I know it can take a few more wettings. 

It's definitely nice not having to get up to go pee. I sleep a lot better. 


Jealous!  Never been able to do that but always want to.  Bet it felt great!!

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19 hours ago, minn33 said:

Mettez un nouveau Trest avant de vous coucher hier soir. Pas de véritable accident, mais pensez-vous avoir fait du bon travail en le remplissant du jour au lendemain ? C'est très lourd et détrempé et je sais que cela peut prendre quelques mouillages supplémentaires. 

C'est vraiment agréable de ne pas avoir à se lever pour aller faire pipi. Je dors beaucoup mieux. 


Your diaper is really beautiful. You must be really good at it. Is her diaper model?

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On 9/15/2023 at 10:16 PM, minn33 said:

Put on a fresh Trest before bed last night. No genuine accidents, but think I did a good job filling it overnight? It's very heavy and soggy and I know it can take a few more wettings. 

It's definitely nice not having to get up to go pee. I sleep a lot better. 


Good lil diaper girl 

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10 minutes ago, minn33 said:

Hier soir, j'étais déterminé à avoir à nouveau un véritable accident. J'ai bu beaucoup d'eau et je me suis couché en éclatant.

Je faisais un beau rêve où j'étais assis au bord d'un ruisseau et écoutais l'eau couler. J'avais vraiment envie de faire pipi, alors je suis entré dans l'eau fraîche et j'ai lâché prise, sentant mon pipi chaud entourer le ruisseau. C'était incroyable d'être assis dans cette eau chaude et j'étais surpris que la chaleur ne disparaisse pas. 

C'est à ce moment-là que je me suis réveillé et que j'ai réalisé que ma couche n'était plus sèche du tout. Waouh ! Mission accomplie!!!

Mais ça va mieux. J'ai bu encore deux verres d'eau que j'ai mis près de mon lit et je me suis rendormi. Je me suis réveillé et je me suis surpris en train de faire pipi ! Deux accidents entiers en une nuit !

Je me suis évidemment laissé faire pipi et chaque fois que je me réveillais avec la moindre envie, je laissais tomber. En plus de mes deux accidents, j'ai eu 3 mouillages complets supplémentaires. Vous tous, mon Trest est à pleine capacité. Il est complètement trempé et spongieux. Qui n'aime pas les couches comme celle-ci ??!


I would like to do the same.

Next goal, make the diaper leak 👍

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