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    Bathroom Control

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  1. This is from sketchman, he posts here pretty often actually. I can't find the comic in his albums here but here it is on pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83626428
  2. Bom thank you for these, I have this thread tagged and it's nice to see it updating every once in awhile when I log in.
  3. Not to be rude but I don't get the point of a riddle for the key?, why even keep the password at all?
  4. I'm with StlDude here. This isn't a sexuality, it's a fetish. You wouldn't tell your parents if you were into bondage or other forms of role play. Same would be true if you were vanilla: sex stuff is a private matter, you don't *have* to share it with anyone and there's going to be people who just flat out don't want to know. I am sure your parents fit into that "don't want to know" category, not because it's something shameful, but that they don't want to know about your sex life.
  5. I feel like I've seen the second one before but I love it so much.
  6. I'm glad we have a version backed up here but I do hope the creator finds a replacement. I was on their patreon page up until the purge and really appreciated the updates.
  7. Be careful with stuff like this, like anything that has your drinking lots of water make sure to replace nutrients and be aware of things like water intoxication.
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