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Pain last won the day on May 12 2021

Pain had the most liked content!

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  1. Pain

    Biku's art

    Oh my God, this is amazing!
  2. Pain

    Biku's art

    I am also begging you to make a part 3, oh my God this is amazing!
  3. Pain

    Biku's art

    Absolutely agree, this is fireworks! Can't wait to see the mother just make it in time for a full-bore piss!
  4. Maybe something from @Ranganath while he was active on here. He used to write stories on the same theme. Not sure just guessing.
  5. It was one of my favorites too, sadly, it seems to have been removed.
  6. Yeah, so after writing and re-writing the draft of my next story for like 7 months, I have decided that I am not going to use it after all. Excellent! 

    1. Rexone_312


      Do you mind sending it to me?


    2. Pain


      Thank you so much my dear friend @Rexone_312 you are truly kind, I really mean it.

    3. warham1995


      sorry that happened to you

  7. Loved it so much, thank you for writing this @V.A.I.
  8. The more I write, the more I realize that my days as a writer are behind me. It is only a matter of time. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. warham1995


      you're welcome

    3. Zuorsara


      Pls don't give up Pain. You're a legend on this site and your work is insanely high quality

    4. Pain


      You are too kind my dear friend @Zuorsara. It means a lot to me. Thank you.

  9. Your comment made my day seriously! Thank you so much!
  10. Hahaha, you are too kind my dear friend! Thank you so much for reading it!
  11. Thank you, just saw this! It means a lot my dear friend!
  12. Writing anything in years, @Kasey ? You are literally a pro! Goodness gracious! Wonderful writing and amazing character development! Keep up the amazing work!❤️
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