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WiiGuy86 last won the day on October 27 2013

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  1. Most of these are really good, just want to say thanks for posting them! What is your source?
  2. Fantastic, the best story I've read on here a while. I hope you continue to write!
  3. This was excellent! I'd love to hear about more of your experiences
  4. Yeah I've been following and enjoying Bikus thread for years lol. Is this animation worth $10 on its own? Idk maybe not, but it was a trivial amount to give to support the person who has probably generated more top tier content for this site/kink over the past few years than anyone else.
  5. Unfortunately in this regard I don't really have anything too crazy to share beyond some of my previous girlfriends casually texting something like "I really have to pee". And then I would maybe ask more about the situation but never got anything too crazy back. If anyone has any more detailed experiences they'd like to share I think they could just post them here or otherwise I'm always open to swapping more detailed experiences in DM
  6. Great experience thank you for sharing! It is crazy that this is still standard practice but I guess it makes sense.
  7. Can you share anything else about Water Closet? I absolutely love omo games and have never heard of it.
  8. Great experience! Do you remember what exactly you said to him?
  9. If you want to do a non public version of this, get the biggest container you can find that will fit in your freezer and fill it with water. The night before you want to play, drop the key in and put it in the freezer. Take the container out an hour or two in to your hold (kinda depends on how long your holds usually are, the size of the container, and the temp of your house). You'll have to wait for it to melt before you can get to it. If you panic and want to try to get it out faster, the only way is run hot water on it which will be also be torturous
  10. I definitely notice this too. A couple months ago I went to a concert with a big group. the two women sitting next to me each had one of those huge 30z drinks. Before the main act came on, one of the girls asked me where the bathroom was and ran off to it. I thought nothing of it, as that's a pretty obvious time to take a precautionary pee. When she came back, she showed the other girl how she had already finished the drink and the girl even made a comment like "no wonder you had to pee". After the show was over, the crowd was quite chaotic and the whole group made our way out of the venue and walked to a near by bus stop. While we were waiting for the bus the girl who hadn't gone casually asked one of the other girls how long it would take for the bus to come. She didn't know but loudly asked one of the guys and they told her 10-15 minutes. At that moment I looked at the girl who had been sitting next to me and she wasn't obviously desperate, but had a straight face on and I could just sense she may have been uncomfortable/concerned. I realized she had finished her huge drink during the show and was probably expecting someone in the group to want to hit the bathroom on the way out, but no one did and she was kind of the shyer type so didn't say anything. I didn't sit near her on the bus, but when we got off, I noticed she was walking really quickly back to our friends house. She was literally walking like 20 feet ahead of everyone and went to the bathroom as soon as we got there. I doubt anyone except for me noticed any of this and I don't think she ever even said anything to anyone, but I suspect she had to go bad on that bus ride.
  11. Amazing experience! Hope you share more!
  12. It's funny I was actually considering posting a thread about this topic a couple days ago, haven't had any experiences recently but have had some with past girlfriends and found it SO HOT. Just knowing they're desperate, in a situation completely out of your control, the flow of their internal thoughts and feelings in text form, and the anticipation of what's going to happen, just staring at the phone waiting for another update. Incredible!
  13. Oh absolutely, my experience has been that even for people who aren't in to omo, they shake off a desperate experience pretty quickly once they've had relief, it's not (typically) traumatic or anything and all my past girlfriends have been happy to recount past experiences for me. That alone is a totally different situation than a real live desperate moment where they're actually panicking in public with a full bladder and nowhere to go. As far as play at home, I definitely enjoy it. I've never a known a woman that has really "enjoyed" indulging me at home, but in a private place with access to a bathroom it's not really stressful and more so just uncomfortable for them to hold it for me. At the end of the day in these situations, they're always ultimately in control, and even if they pee their pants or on the floor or something, nobody would ever know. That's not what I fantasize about though, I fantasize about the real situation, the embarrassment, the panic, the fear, the stress - just can't actually enjoy it in the moment.
  14. Exactly, it feels so weird to not even really enjoy the thing I fantasize so much about. Oddly, I've found that being in this situation with a woman I'm dating is not enjoyable at all, but her recounting the events after the fact is extensive detail and sharing exactly how she was feeling throughout is what really gets me going
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