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  1. A diuretic is specifically something that increases urine production. Something that just makes it more urgent is a bladder irritant (though some drinks/substances have both properties, such as alcohol and caffeine).
  2. The first privately-operated mission involving a spacewalk has lifted off… makes me wonder what their nappy of choice is, given they won’t have the standard NASA issue ones 😉
  3. “Have you had an accident at work? Give us a call… …we have the best range of adult nappies you’ll find anywhere!”
  4. There must be people who do this kind of thing, though I guess the challenge is that a discreet pull-up is touch and go in terms of whether it will hold a full bladder release without leaking, especially if you then have to sit in it for the rest of your journey (such products are probably typically designed for those who will be most likely to heavily wet themselves on the way to the toilet, then change promptly when they do). Of course, letting a bit out to relieve the pressure is another way to use it, but a lot of incontinent women can’t stop once they’ve started! Another drawback is the need to remove trousers, tights, shoes etc. to change, though I guess if the wearer doesn’t intend to change into another pull-up she can wear underwear over the top and remove it with the tearaway sides (maybe then adding a pad to regular underwear for daytime protection). Chances are she’ll need another pull-up for the journey home though! For those reasons I’d view a taped nappy as most suitable for such a person, but there still seems to be a “padded ceiling” in terms of actually advertising such products to the general public.
  5. I think they’re just two sides of the same coin really, “mainstreaming” of incontinence products, seeking medical advice etc. goes hand-in-hand with a societal acceptance that “pee happens”, so adults having accidents is viewed more sympathetically but people still don’t want to leave wet patches everywhere or have to keep changing their clothes, so they’ll be comfortable seeking solutions in the form of absorbent/collecting devices or medical treatments if it’s severe/frequent enough.
  6. I did see one from Brazil I think, where a woman seemed to be promoting their use for pure convenience as opposed to medical need, which is one step along that road I guess!
  7. Still think it’s gone a lot further since then, even if that’s when it started (not that I was around back then!) It’s probably only the last 20 years or so that topics like incontinence, for example, have really started to come out of the closet.
  8. I think it’s worldwide, though some countries will be ahead of others… have seen lady-nappy adverts on Youtube from all kinds of places (as per “Women wearing normal incontinence pants” thread…) Hopefully more and more people are realising it’s no big deal. I suspect there’s a generational shift as well, in that perhaps younger women (e.g. new mothers) are more comfortable buying and wearing incontinence pads/pants/nappies than the older generation who would in theory be more likely to need them!
  9. Do you typically wear those rather than disposable nappies, then?
  10. Women who are open to mentioning it aren’t necessarily into it in that way, but it must be a lot more likely than with someone who doesn’t, especially if it’s done in a cheeky or playful way.
  11. …but you can enjoy the nice warm feeling in your nappy as you look down on the Earth while carrying out an important mission!
  12. The convenience aspect could be a great tool in expanding the market! Primarily for those with weak bladders, but perhaps even wider. This one seems to hint at the idea of “why would you want to use a nasty train/station toilet, or stop at the motorway services or whatever, when you can calmly and securely relieve yourself in your lady-nappy discreet disposable underwear?” Which is a great message to send out!
  13. Safest to invest in some diapers/pull-ups if you don’t want to risk that, especially in a public setting.
  14. One of the ABDL content sites (can’t remember which) did some diapered women doing sport photo sets, many years back… Reusable products are definitely in scope, they’re “normal adult incontinence products” for sure! And I love the end bit where the woman rushes off basically admitting she’s just wet herself…
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