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    Bathroom Control
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  1. Honestly, no idea, at least for now. By small window, do you mean the game window, or the initialization window? Maybe you could provide a screen shot?
  2. Thanks for the comments. Note that Lazarus as a compiler is a bit broken. You should always "build", never "compile" or "run". Likes to hold/diaper lover as innate: not a bad idea. Leaks: leak is a genuine side effect of the need/action effect system. What I mean: there isn't a separate "leak" effect, the girl just loses control (starts wetting) and tries to stop the flow. They do happen from time to time, but as it is, tinkering with the system to get a desired result is not easy. Recess time: good idea, though the results might be unpredictable. Worth testing and easy to implement. As an option when starting the game for example. Character design: requested many times. See what I can do. Fidget animations: the problem is that if I slow them (to look nice in 2x or higher) they look very slow in 1x. And, if I make them slower only in the higher speeds, the result is that speed affects the game dynamics, most notably the threshold when the character starts having an accident. Have thought about that, but haven't been able to think about a good solution. It is nice to note that people are enjoying this game. 🙂
  3. Could you pm me (or add to this thread) your system configuration, os version, memory, graphics card etc, I could see if I can spot anything. The compiler for the game is far from optimal, sorry for that. Could add that if/when I make a further release. The character look thing is a bit more messy, since now the game goes by the idea that the girls name is her random number seed that dictates everything. So, to be able to choose the looks, it would have to break that. Not impossible, but a bit of work. The scoring system is far from optimal. Check the read me, there is a detailed description. Basic logic is: you get points when you drink, and a bonus for your shyness and your small bladder. Penalties for seeing having an accident, wet clothes or using the toilet. I tested and tested but could not get it better, so this is the way it is.
  4. Okay, have been on holiday and not reading this forum. Some answers: - Time scale should be so that 1x is "real time", i.e. 1 h in-game is 1 h real-life. Might not be exaclty so, have not tested. As a side note: keeping this at 1x enables to use the game as a holding competition opponent... 😉 - Need threshold is the % of bladder that needs to be filled before it results in need. For example, is n.trshld is 60%, volumes below 60% of max bladder capacity do not produce any need at all. How this affects the game is pretty complex indeed, and I haven't explored it fully. For example, wetting increases need in an exponential manner -- however sometimes the girl is able to stop the flow anyway (resulting in a "leak"). I am not sure how the need threshold affects this, would require some further testing. - Bar with lines is the "need" meter of all the girls, colored by shyness (dark red=extremely shy, light red=very shy etc). I am utterly impressed by the number of downloads btw. I am honored and humbled by this. Also wonder if anyone has tried to compile your own build? Oh, and also: Sorry for the bugs left there. I finally opted for a "what EA did to U9" approach instead of endlessly prologing the release. I can always make a v. 1.01 build later... -JS
  5. And here it is: I will hence remove the playtest version hosted on Mega. Have fun! -JS
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This is the first "official" release of the sandbox game Miss Iron Bladder. Discussion thread: Source code is included as well as instructions how to make your own build. Instructions to run: unzip to the desired folder, read the READ ME files, and run. Have fun, -JS
  7. The only advice I can give you is: seek help. Also, you can send me a personal message if you like (although going into holiday soon and it is possible that I won't be able to answer in several weeks). Won't go into details publicly, but I have had depression and PTSD for decades. JS Oh, and those negative commenteers are idiots that should get a life. Just ignore them.
  8. I am trying to get things ready so that I can upload the first release here in 24 hours. Some issues have been fixed by the excellent comments from playtesters, some not and some most likely won't ever be. I promise one revision some day, but right now I am eager to get this out of my hands.
  9. This contains excellent desperation scenes, but the pinnacle is on the second file (02) starting from 45 minutes. One of the greatest clips I've ever seen, containing a true non-acted furious pedaling sitting on the chair and pee dance in the toilet. Just wow.
  10. I will post to this thread some issues encountered: - Bug: skip bus ride does not work (in fact the debug mode both enters debug & skips ride). Fixed for the next release. - For one user freezes after a couple of days. If you encounter this please pm me your system cf (windows version & video card details, most importantly video memory size). Haven't been able to reproduce, strongly suspect this is a video card texture loading problem of some sort. - You can edit the name list but the number of names in it must stay constant, at least for now. Don't think it is worth fixing. Just keep the number of names as is. Also please note you can enter whatever name you want for your character. The name functions as a random number seed for stats. Keep up the good work. 🙂
  11. It is possible to compile for macos by installing xcode first and then using the complier I have used. However, I have not done that, and I strongly suspect this will run into some fancy problems. Also, my Macbook Air is so old and slow that it doesn't handle compliling very well, so I am unable to assist. Some fellow coder with mac expertise might be able to do it, though. I will release full source code with the "official" release. P.S.: sent pm:s to those who were willing to playtest.
  12. iOS/ipadOS: No, not by me. Would require using Apple Store and this would break my anonymity so it is a no-no. Android: The compiler I use could technically make android apps, if I correctly understand. However the conversion would still require a huge amount of work. I have to admit I don't have the resources for that, either. However, I will release the full source code with the initial release, so anyone who can code is welcome to try.
  13. Update: those who volunteered for playtesting have been sent a download link. I would estimate a week or two to completion, for the initial release. Depending on the issues that arise.
  14. Well, I have gone with "miss iron bladder" (the ultimate reputation in the game). I am open to ideas, if someone comes with something better.
  15. I have plans of releasing this "before summer" this year. The game is more or less finished by now (at least for the 1st release, that is), remaining things are: - fine tuning the scoring system (surprisingly difficult!) - graphics (have had some contribution to this, still ongoing) - play testing - finalizing the documentation - lots of polishing here and there I am really eager to get this out of my hands, so hopefully it won't take long. Have had some personal matters to attend to the last months, but I should have some time during the next couple of weeks. If someone is willing to help with the play testing, please drop a pm and I will provide a download link when the game is ready for that.
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