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  1. Taken to live in Scotland in my school days, I had to get back to London and away from the family home as soon as I could. Two days after leaving school at age eighteen, and thanks to some help from Steve, an old friend, the escape plan came together. In earlier times I'd enjoyed wetting my knickers, two pairs at a time and I felt a powerful need to wet myself in trousers for the first time. This is the story of my escape, the unexpected parts that Steve would play in my life, and relaxing lying on the grass in the park and wetting my new jeans. Amy. An Audio Story - Chapter 2 - Return to London, Steve, and wetting my black jeans in the park.mp3
  2. I'll tell you what happened to me not long ago. I was in the back garden laying on a lounger reading a book. I was bursting to piss but rather than put the book down and take a break I just let my piss go in my pants. A minute later a friend turned up with something urgent. Not getting a reply at the front door they came around the side and found me. He started talking about this urgent matter and then noticed my condition. Without any time to think i said "yes, I've just pissed my pants. It happens sometimes". He said "Oh", paused and then continued. Now he knows I piss myself sometimes but I've never explained any further. It hasn't made any difference.
  3. It comes and goes with me too. I think that's quite common. I sometimes go for months without even thinking of wetting, other times I wet myself several times a day for a whole week.
  4. Hi, Thanks for asking. Chapter 2 got taken down by the Thought Police yesterday. I got a big long warning message which made no real sense, Ch 2 was all about my experience as a child and went nowhere near any 'sexual' content, and I can't see how this steped on any rules, but that's where we are. Any idea what I can do about it ?
  5. I remember the day all those years ago. I was nineteen, and it was three days after my birthday. I’d started working in a supermarket, which I didn’t much like. I had to make a hospital visit after work that day, but then a whole series of events led to a chance meeting on a train, and an ordinary day that started without promise led into a night so wonderful I would never forget one moment of it. So, please relax and play the audio, listen to my account of my life at the time, and a night that changed my life forever. Amy. An Audio Story - Chapter 3 - Three days after my nineteenth birthday.mp3
  6. Something very pleasing about this slow, relaxed deliberate show. Thanks for sharing
  7. I'm posting this story under 'fiction', although it's almost entirely fact. I hope to share some of the joys with you along the way. This is the first of what could become a mini-series. There's so much more to tell. You have the choice. Listen to the audio, or read the text below. Enjoy! We all lead stressful lives, and we all need to find our own ways of unwinding and relieving the pressures. I’ve always worked hard, and tried to live a simple life. A tendency to frugality has kept my life and environment uncluttered. These simple principles have led me to where I am today. I live in a modest little house, with a secluded garden where I can enjoy my privacy, relax, and retreat from this increasingly insane world. Cutting to the chase. When I’m in the mood for some deep relaxation, one of the things I do is to pee my pants. There. I said it. I piss in my knickers. I do this on purpose, and it gives me great pleasure. Have I shocked you? I know this is not everyone’s idea of fun, but I’m not on my own. Pissing in panties for pleasure is a minority interest, that’s for sure, and you wouldn’t be alone in thinking this a bit weird, but it’s more common than you might think. I can trace my fascination with wetting back into early childhood. I was five or six years old when I first felt powerful feelings of an inexplicable, out of the ordinary need, and I had to find safe ways of wetting my knickers in secret. I carried on secretly wetting all through early childhood and into my teens, only stopping when changing circumstances made it too difficult to carry on. My need never subsided. How, or why, I ever got into this are questions that can not be answered with certainty, but with the benefit of adulthood years to reflect, I have some thoughts. Is this nature or nurture, or a little of each? We can explore this. My childhood was less than perfect. A violent mother and emotionally absent father, both members of a lunatic-fringe, pseudo-christian cult. I called it ‘The Church of Tears’. I was forced to attend, and I hated everything about it. There are only a hand-full of, “though shalt not”s, in the “Good Book”, but the Church of Tears were daily churning out fresh commandments, blind unquestioning obedience to which being our only hope of salvation from an eternity of fire. This oppressive, totalitarian regime extended into every aspect of life. Draconian, often violent punishments, out of all proportion to the slightest digression. I felt so alone, and had to develop my own defence. From my earliest of memories I instinctively felt that all was rotten with the church, and I fought hard to reject everything that came from there. After some years I realised there was only one rule that really mattered to them. “Give us your money”! That helped make sense of it. Throughout adult life I’ve established a history of standing up against injustice, of challenging abuse of authority, and of seeking out and exposing the rotten or corrupt. Is this a political statement? I have engaged with various campaign groups and political causes over time, but I’m no politician. I wonder if maybe my motivation in this is an extension of my need to push back against the injustices piled upon me in childhood. Could it be the enjoyment I get from wetting is in some way an ongoing rebellion against what was probably a heavily punishment oriented potty training regime? In no psychologist, and I don’t think it matters now. I enjoy letting my piss flow freely in my knickers. I do this in private, and I never let it affect anyone else. My name? Oh it’s Amy, by the way, and this is the first chapter of my story. There’s much more to tell. It’s a lovely summer morning as I write this. I’m relaxing in my garden with a nice pot of tea, and I’m wetting my knickers at this very moment. Sometimes I like to hold, and hold, until the inevitable happens. At other times, like today, I’m just trying to relax as far as possible, letting my wee flow free as little and as often as my body wants. I think this is the way I like best. I can stay nicely wet for a very long time. I might need to go indoors soon to make another pot of tea, but I’ve got nothing else planned for the rest of the day. Amy. A life of wetting. An Audio Story - Chapter 1.mp3
  8. When wetting myself, fully clothed is always best for me, wearing at least two pairs of panties. This is so for my lazy afternoons outside dribbling a little and often, also for when I go through a hold-and-burst routine. When watching others, it's shorts every time for me. Particularly blue denim - new, faded, ripped to shreds, it makes no difference. I pee in the shower all the time, so that's boring, and I don't pee in bed. I love it best outdoors.
  9. A beautiful woman enjoying what comes naturally. Perfect.
  10. Lily, Like you I love to just let go sometimes. I do this a lot at this time of the year when the weather is nice enough to go and sit outside. My best advice to you is to find somewhere you can feel comfortable, and relax. Then just let your flow go, and it will soon get easier, and as it does then so you will enjoy it all the more. I have a bench at the front and another at the back of my house. If I feel a need to keep private I'll go out into the back garden. There are houses either side but I'm not overlooked at the back, and the hedges either side don't make it impossible to be seen, but almost. The front of the house is less safe with the road not far away, a lot more risky, but sometimes I find a little extra risk heightens the thrill. It took me a while to get into this routine, but it works well for me. With a long drink always to hand I can sit outside for hours, reading a good book or working on a tablet, and just let my wee go free in my pants in little spurts as often as happens. It feels so good this way, staying very wet most of the time without drying too much between leaks. The key word here - relax. Don't force anything, just let it happen. Today the weather is warm but it's raining outside. I'm sitting on my bench at the front. It's under cover so I can watch the rain, the road and any passing people without being rained on. I'm wearing an old top, two pairs of knickers and my pale grey baggy shorts. I'm letting some wee go right now as I write. There's not many people about today, not out in this rain, and these shorts don't show the wet patches too well, so I feel safe, and relaxed, and wondefully wet.
  11. Wow! Amazing quality. Love that she is loving what she does. Keeping this one
  12. So good I watched it twice! Thanks
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