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Bilingual guy

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  1. here you go OmoAce09 It's in my album. Don't know where you found this so I couldn't credit the original author.
  2. This album will be a continuation of my previous album of translated comics/images off of Pixiv, danbooru, etc. It contain works from the artists Homare (ほまれ) and nanakichi/shichikishi (七吉), but will also contain other artists work. such as works from wararu. Hope you guys enjoy and follow the album!
  3. Here you go Bruh1234. It's on my second translation album
  4. Hey guys, I'm finally back. I was planning on taking a small break to quickly translate most of the suzu no oka comics that got posted to E-hentai, but due to some real life stuff happening these past 2 months, It ended up taking longer than normal. I'm gonna try to catch up on the requests now. Also, If anyone has the comics from this artist さなのbooth【はまぐり同好会】 - BOOTH I'd love it if you could message them to me so I can scanlate them. I already have the February through April ones so I'm mainly looking for the January, may, and June sets. This guy is a relatively new artist but I love his works. Especially the ones where the women are peeing into tiny toilets. Would be much apprecieted!
  5. Yay! I love it when there's a part 2 to the images. Awesome work!
  6. I don't know if you're planning to do another animation in the future like this one, but If you are you should definitely do one featuring the mother-daughter duo. It would be a must buy! Also, Is this girl one of your "regular" girls that you draw or did you draw her just for this animation? I don't think I've seen her before.
  7. Biku delivering me the best birthday gift I could've asked for. Awesome work! ♥ I Hope to see more of these 2 in the future.
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