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Everything posted by ParadoxicEros

  1. Peeing only once, twice, or even thrice in a day honestly doesn't sound healthy to me. The only way I could honestly think a person would manage to go so few times in a day would be that either they're not drinking nearly enough or they're holding for way too long at a time. Either way, I'd have a hard time believing that's healthy. Even friends of mine who have large bladders still go at the very least 4 times a day on average.
  2. Last bedwetting accident for me was when I was 14, only a bit of time before I found out I was actually into this kind of thing (But also, to be fair, if we aren't counting exclusively accidental bedwetting then the last time I wet the bed was a few hours ago :P)
  3. I mean, part of the enjoyment for me with omo is being witnessed (usually by friends, but by general public isn't something I'd pass up either), so as long as none of my family members are in the audience (and there wasn't really any chance of them finding out) I would do it 1000% percent. Hell, if i could get paid for it every time I did it, I'd probably do it for something as low as like, just above minimum wage. 25-30 dollars an hour to piss publicly on/in a stage/mall all day without getting in trouble for it is practically a dream job! What could be better than spending all day pissing, and if not, being in the process of trying to piss? Sign me up any day! I'd honestly probably do it for even a bit less if I wasn't restricted to pissing my pants only. An excuse to not have to bother wearing pants in public? and getting paid for it? Sign me up right now! ...I think this post has opened up a new fantasy for me.
  4. I've pissed on quite a lot of things, which usually was whenever I came across pillows that were intended to be discarded soon anyway. In my experience, you can get pretty different results with different pillows. While I don't remember specifics of what the pillows had been made of (I usually cut tags off of pillows I buy bc I've gotten startled awake at night by a tag brushing me while I shift around on the bed more times than I'd like to admit 😅), but I can recall some of the experiences I've had. For starters, I can definitely confirm that most pillows do have a tendency to be rather disappointing/anticlimactic as you described; Once they're soaked a few times the liquid just seems to go straight through them and onto whatever's underneath, which is never fun. Standard pillows and most hand-made ones have this issue in my experience; they can get quite damp but never actually hold any liquid. One pillow I did enjoy the experience of was a memory foam(?) one I had for a bit a while back. My roommate had bought new pillows for his bed and had given me some of the old ones with the quote "they're not really any good, but i though you'd maybe wanna piss on them or something." Most of them were standard pillows and gave the same experience as usual, but he did have one pillow that I'm 95% sure was memory foam and I was intrigued to try it. And lemme tell you, it's definitely better. It was far more absorbent and actually held a decent amount (it was a large pillow, mind you), and if you squeezed it after a fresh piss it did sometimes let out some liquid. It definitely gets that nice squish to it (though that might just be because memory foam is like that). Only downside is that you most certainly can't keep the pillow long because memory foam is an absolute bitch to clean when it comes to liquids, especially hard-staining ones like piss. I had that pillow for only a week before I had to absolutely get rid of it.
  5. 13 cm / 5 inches flaccid, and 19 cm / ~7.5 inches hard (though me getting hard do be kinda rare so idk if it even counts for me lmao)
  6. I mean, pretty much anything that's "opinion about [gendered thing] for [gender it isn't traditionally associated with]" is gonna be an auto yes for me just cause gendered stereotypes are dumb and anything that breaks them is always nice to see. I personally don't wear it, but to any man who's on the fence about trying it bc they're worried about being judged: Do it! Try it out! I guarantee that (with practice doing it) you'll look bomb af! Also do make sure that, if you intend on trying red makeup, that you check for carmine in it, and test it on your wrist or something first. One of the few times I tried it out I did have a really not fun reaction to the carmine bc it turns out that's a common allergy
  7. A bit late to the greeting party, but thought I'd still stop by and say hello!
  8. Only a crazy person would have never peed in the shower! /s I remember when I was a teen and had my own bathroom connected to my bedroom, I loved to sit on the toilet but then still try and pee into the shower from there (which wasn't really that far anyway but still a fun challenge), though it usually did have messy results
  9. Nonchalant wettings are so fun! I do them all the time whenever I find myself in need of a bladder release. It's especially fun because I've done it so much while being witnessed by my friends that they're nonchalant about it whenever I do it as well 😛
  10. Theoretically, if you can 1. Be able to hold no matter any amount of pressure, your muscles being able handle the strength of any amount of pee trying to escape your bladder. Also, your bladder would need to be unable to burst at any size. 2. Stop producing more pee, which assumably would just mean you never drink a single liquid again, or find out whatever liquid somehow doesn't end up being converted into pee. AND/OR 3. Have a black hole or a pocket dimension for a bladder, or something else that has the theoretical ability to hold any volume of piss. Unfortunately, as of right now, I really don't think any of those are possible. Your muscles unfortunately have to have some form of limit, you kinda need to drink liquids to live, and science hasn't found out how to extend a persons capacity that extremely. However, I will say that all of those sound like very good premises for some interesting omo fiction, I need to go write these things down.
  11. I'm kind of in a similar wheelhouse, though my enjoyment with that kind of thing is a bit different. For me it's less Having to tell someone, and more about Choosing to tell someone. The idea of just casually being like "oh, btw, i've wet my pants" and then continuing with a conversation is such a good one for me, cause I just love the more casual aspects of it.
  12. I just got past 100 points and now my reputation score looks like it's been purged, and I've been marked as "Dehydrated"?

    1. ParadoxicEros


      wait I might be stupid- I'm still a Puddle Private so ig the interface just changed

    2. Kyuu


      The ranking system is currently being updated and some information is not available while these updates are in progress, but everything should be back to normal soon!

    3. ParadoxicEros


      Ah, that makes sense. Thank you!

  13. Honestly this is pretty dang close to how I feel myself lol
  14. I would say so. At it's core, the definition of asexual (an an orientation, not the biology term) really just is "low to no desire to have sex." If you don't have any desire to have sex, or only desire it in specific circumstances, I'd consider that to be asexuality. I myself am an asexual with numerous 'fetishes' (i wouldn't really call them fetishes in my case because it implies a sexual undertone, and i personally don't fit that bill. hobbies would be more accurate for me tbh.) However, the more important thing is whether you would consider yourself asexual. If you feel that the term fits you, nobody else can decide that it doesn't. If you don't feel that the term fits you, nobody else can decide that it does. The most anyone can do for you is point you in the right direction, but ultimately your choice of how to label your attraction is just that; it's your choice.
  15. I despise all forms of responsibility and making decisions, so I'd hate trying to be the dominant one, so I'd probably take being dominated any day. (My asexual ass never thought I'd say anything like that)
  16. Great as always, love the color of the undies (both when dry and wet, :P)
  17. Of course! Can't interrupt gaming with a trip to the bathroom, that'd be ridiculous!
  18. That must’ve been some hella fancy school for the bathrooms to be that big. I can only imagine what it would’ve been like if the boys at my school had access to a bathroom of that size.
  19. To be fair to makoto, October was the eighth month of the year when it was named; Similarly, September was seventh, November was ninth, and December was tenth. Then two guys named Caesar decided they each needed months named after them, July and August got added to the calendar, and all the number-based naming was thrown out the window.
  20. Of all the places I would expect to come across political debates, a fetish-based site is certainly not one of them
  21. There are multiple products I definitely have not tried or bought for the simple fact that they're ads annoy me to not end. Simply Piano/Guitar is one that comes to mind. I honestly wonder if anyone has seen one of their ads and genuinely been persuaded by the ad alone to try it. I'd be astonished if their "extremely annoying/grumpy/rude main character" tactic they use in all their ads actually every works.
  22. For whatever reason, there became a trend at my school (at least in the boys' bathrooms) that began as standing a couple feet from the urinal while pissing and slowly escalated to a whole lot more. While I won't recount every detail of the whole thing (because it happened for nearly 3 entire years of while I was at that school and this post would be a half-hour read at that point), I will just kind of summarize for the sake of wondering if anyone else's school had anything similar go on. This still might end up a long post though... --------- As I said, it began as just a few dudes that would stand a bit further away from the urinal than normal. My first encounter with it was in the late fall semester of my Sophomore, when I entered the bathroom to find two guys occupying the two urinals, but were stood towards the middle of the room, about 2-3 feet away. I thought mostly nothing of it and mostly just chalked it up to the classic 'boys do gross things because they think it's fun.' I kinda stopped for a second on instinct when I saw it and then went to use the stall. Then I witnessed it again with a different dude in a different bathroom about a week later, but kind of just ignored it again. However, a couple days after that, I saw another different guy doing it, and as I came to a complete stop because I fully made eye contact with this dude as I walked in. While we were staring at each other, the dude straight up offers me to join him at the second urinal (which might honestly be one of the most intimate experiences I've had with anyone ever /hj). The omo part of my brain took over and I obviously took the offer and unzipped a couple feet from the urinal and began to pee. I continued to do the same from that point on because obviously I wasn't gonna pass up the opportunity to fuck around while pissing, though I rarely witnessed anyone else doing it for a bit after that, though it did slowly seem to become less rare. I even got one dude I didn't know to do it, which was kind of fun. Then, a few months after I had first witnessed it, it had apparently become common enough for my friend to end up asking me about it during lunch. He even sort of half-accused me of having something to do with starting it (he knew I was 'toilet adverse' so it was a fair accusation). i explained that I didn't start it but I was participating, to which he responded with something along the lines of "well duh, i'm pretty sure every boy in the school is doing it." Then this is where things had begun to escalate; A few weeks after my friend had asked about it, I had an encounter with someone who was backed up all the way to the wall opposite the urinals, attempting to piss into one (his success was... minimal, to say the least.) On that specific encounter I still decided to stay at least sorta close to the urinal, but I eventually began to witness more guys doing it and eventually was just like "i guess we're doing this now" and began to do the same. That was near the end of the school year, and over the summer I mostly forgot about it. Apparently, most everyone else did not, as I remember distinctly that I witnessed someone with their back to the wall pissing across the room on my first day back, and pretty much every time someone was in the bathroom I would see someone doing it. If you wanted to use the stall you had to wait until nobody was using a urinal because there was no way past their streams. I can barely describe the chaos this caused in between-class bathroom rushes; best I can do is mention that I witnessed guys aim into the same urinal more than once. I noticed that it began to seem like aiming was less of a priority, as there were times there someone would have dick in one hand, aimed vaguely towards the urinal, and their phone in the other, which is what they were looking at. Then it stopped. There was a rumor that began to go around about overhearing teacher discussing closing the bathrooms during class periods. (A post about closed bathrooms is actually what initially inspired me to make a full post about this). Before you knew it, everyone was pissing like they were sane again, and the whole scenario turned into every boy in the whole school acting like nothing ever happened. Things got more nervous as the teachers confirmed that it was in discussion, and though they never said why, every guy was pretty certain they knew what caused it. (I can only imagine what the gals thought about the whole thing because as far as I could tell they had no idea anything had gone on). However, after a couple months, the rumor died down and it seemed like the teachers stopped considering it for whatever reason, and things didn't take more than a couple weeks to get back to almost nearly how they were before, though the gradual escalation had been stopped for the rest of the year. Then it was my Senior year, and with the whole thing of the locked toilets now far enough behind everyone, the escalation got a whole lot worse. It had gone from trying to aim into the urinals from the furthest distance to just trying to piss as far as you could within the bounds of the bathrooms. Along with it, height had also become something people seemed to compete over; plenty of times I witnessed people piss on the ceiling. I was still very much participating because I wasn't gonna pass up a chance to do what was essentially fully omo at this point with other dudes. I remember that the bathrooms in the locker rooms and the one in the cafeteria both became especially bad because they were larger and had more room, and one time during a science lab managed to get pulled into a discussion/debate about who could piss the furthest. (I will boast that I once, after holding for as long as I could, did manage a roughly foot distance in the locker room bathrooms, thought that's fully a guess because nobody actually had means to measure.) As my senior year was about a month away from ending, another rumor about locked bathroom started up, though it seemed to just be people trying to start something because the teachers never mentioned anything of the sort. Then I left, but I imagine the trend still goes on to some degree. --------- So, with that story out of the way, I'm curious of how common that type of thing is. I know that it is a thing that happens at other schools because I've seen it mentioned online before, and did once ask some other dudes at my college who had come from other schools and most of them confirmed the same, though not quite to the same extent usually. I never did find out who started the whole thing, though I wish I did because I feel like there's some chance that guy was into omo. Has anyone else known of or been involved in this kind of thing at their school?
  23. I have mixed feelings on this as a whole due to the occasional dysphoria that comes my way (among other things), but from purely an peeing/omo standpoint I dunno if I have much of a strong opinion one way or the other, but probably prefer to keep with having a dick. While I do have the liberty to stand, I'm also lazy as hell, and rarely ever use urinals because I can't be bothered to stand. I only use the urinal if it seems like it'll be a long wait for a stall. Plus, standing up does mean you can make attempts at pissing long distances and such, and is convenient at times. Honestly, the real question in my mind is whether men or women can get away with more in terms of omo, because I feel like I've heard arguments for both. I've heard the argument that women get away with it more because they just simply have the reputation for smaller bladders, so they have more of an excuse. I've heard the argument that men get away with more because boys are generally considered "grosser" and it's less stigmatized if a boy pees outside of a bathroom. I personally lean towards agreeing with the whole "boys are gross" thing because I can personally attest to some piss-based things I've seen other boys do, and participated in myself of course, who aren't into omo (to my knowledge). And towards the discussion of getting caught in a zipper, I personally can't say that I have, but that might just be because I mostly wear sweatpants.
  24. Honestly this type of "lets pretend [infection/hygiene issue/etc.] doesn't exist" is the root of most of my fantasies. Large scale stuff is sort of a double edged sword for me because on one hand, more peeing is always better (imo) and stuff like that obviously means more peeing, but also it removes the naughtiness and general taboo of wetting/pissing in places you are supposed too, which is a big part of my enjoyment to a degree.
  25. I probably wouldn't because it would take some of the fun out of it (for me) because it would have that sort of 'getting away with it' feeling any more if it was commonplace. But I guess the best way to do it would probably just be to find some way to make it less 'taboo,' such as generally making it less of a sexualized thing (yes i see the irony in desexualizing a kink but still)
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