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Ms. Tito

⭐ Drenched Member
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    Gender bender
    Pee drinking

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  1. I have pavlov'd my girlfriend into thinking of me everytime she pees.
  2. Smh, why does no one practice in the shower or outside first?? That's literally the first step. Once you master it in the shower or outdoors THEN you move on to conventional toilets!
  3. To be fair it takes a lot of practice How do I do a shrug emoji where the fu-
  4. Wjy cant Bikor stand??? Is he sitkor????? (The rot consumes)
  5. I was just gonna say the 1960s and the sexual revolution
  6. This is 5 years old but let's hope that store owner gets some comeuppance later on. Maybe defiling his whole store with piss will teach him a lesson!
  7. idk but she is very pretty.
  8. So true.
  9. Nerdy Faery with a dick is something I never knew I wanted until I got it.
  10. That second image, she definitely knows the method. What city, may I ask?
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