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  1. Upvote
    Daviss reacted to peeeeee6996 in Girl having a wet dream   
    Me too!!
  2. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from peeeeee6996 in Girl having a wet dream   
    I like dream scenarios
  3. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from wilbob76 in School girl wetting   
    Nice. I DO wish she would have the forethought to at least zip up and properly align the zipper where it is supposed to be. I am a stickler for detail. Other than that, it was a nice effort.
  4. Upvote
    Daviss reacted to sathanas in class wetting in skirt (jav re-edit)   
  5. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from ero9007 in JAV floor wetting (shortened 1)   
    I like sleep wettings. Would love to see uniformed schoolgirl classroom desk wetting while asleep, only to wake up with everyone's reaction in the class. I've seen a couple of attempts at this theme, but still not much.
  6. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from ero9007 in [DLEE-190] 学習塾盗撮 授業中に滴るおしっこお漏らし2   
    always appreciated!!
  7. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from rachelkirwan in Selected Bedwetting Videos   
    Those were awesome! Your contributions are always great. I am fascinated with the "dream and pee" scenario, that is NOT bedwetting, but fully dressed in uniform at her desk, preferably in school. . I have always been partial to uniformed schoolgirl wetting accidents in class at her desk, and have a scenario in mind that would do great in a vid. Picture a uniformed schoolgirl sleeping in class with her head down on her desk. Then the scene cuts away to a foggy scene where she is obviously dreaming of peeing in one form or another. In reality, while she is dreaming that she is on the toilet, or peeing in a diaper, or whatever; she is really pissing noisily in her skirt at her desk. As the class starts to notice the sound coming from her desk, and the puddle forming under, they start giggling. She awakens to the laughter; horrified that she has just pissed her pants in front of the whole class. Mortified, she bolts out of the room crying, with a huge dark patch on the rear of her skirt!.. I have seen attempts at this theme, hope to see more like what I have described. Maybe oneday....
  8. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from Morphogen in Rachel's Japanese Omatsu (Diaper) Post   
    fantastic! Much appreciated.
  9. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from herby01 in Rachel's Japanese Omatsu (Diaper) Post   
    fantastic! Much appreciated.
  10. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from Padded Gamer in Diapered Hypnotic Adventures   
    my  vlc works fine    Good clips, good plot
  11. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from Lycrawetpee in Fear Wetting 16-20   
    Thanks! I know you put a lot of work putting these clips together, and I greatly appreciate it!!
  12. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from Kei in みずもれ MIX 46   
    Good vids. I especially like the schoolgirl uniform stuff. Thanks!
  13. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from Peejizzer1971 in 漏-1803   
    Wow. I have never seen this one! I though I'd seen em all. The bandages don't do much for me personally, but at least they are still making new ones. I was beginning to wonder if there were any uniformed schoolgirl desk wetting that I hadn't seen.
  14. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from Kei in FC2 Collection #1   
    Great! Looking forward to see more. I especially love the "classroom" stuff; uniformed school girl wetting at her desk. Sanwa is great at making those. So is Giga. In America and England and Australia, they just don't get it. I've seen attempts at the school stuff by English speaking girls, but they always have "make shift" classroom and uniforms, and don't show the acting of how humiliating it would be for a girl to sit there and piss her uniform at her desk in school. I believe it's the very root of this fetish. I hope there are still some out there I haven't seen.
  15. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from LoadedMink in Desperate Diaper pee   
    Diaper and bra. Love it! Wonder what else is out there along these lines. White diaper and white bra. Yum
  16. Upvote
    Daviss got a reaction from Vegichan in FC2 Collection #1   
    Great! Looking forward to see more. I especially love the "classroom" stuff; uniformed school girl wetting at her desk. Sanwa is great at making those. So is Giga. In America and England and Australia, they just don't get it. I've seen attempts at the school stuff by English speaking girls, but they always have "make shift" classroom and uniforms, and don't show the acting of how humiliating it would be for a girl to sit there and piss her uniform at her desk in school. I believe it's the very root of this fetish. I hope there are still some out there I haven't seen.
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