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File Comments posted by Daviss

  1. 4 hours ago, Mnlover1234 said:

    Yeah, it was cute but all of the videos from this company could've been performed better. It's like they didn't even talk the ideas over and just threw them into the scenario, in my opinion, Zayda is the best thing they got going for them.

    Yes. I like Zayda especially in: "Zayda pees in diaper on toilet." It is basic, but the look on her face in the opening second before she sits down is sensual

    My Girl Friend Nicole

    2,315    7

    You are right Watcherw! I have had many gf's in my life suffer from "pee block" because they are trained all their life not to release it in their pants. They sometimes got frustrated when they couldn't get it started. Anyone who thinks all women can pee on command haven't had very many women , if any at all!

  2. Those were awesome! Your contributions are always great. I am fascinated with the "dream and pee" scenario, that is NOT bedwetting, but fully dressed in uniform at her desk, preferably in school. . I have always been partial to uniformed schoolgirl wetting accidents in class at her desk, and have a scenario in mind that would do great in a vid. Picture a uniformed schoolgirl sleeping in class with her head down on her desk. Then the scene cuts away to a foggy scene where she is obviously dreaming of peeing in one form or another. In reality, while she is dreaming that she is on the toilet, or peeing in a diaper, or whatever; she is really pissing noisily in her skirt at her desk. As the class starts to notice the sound coming from her desk, and the puddle forming under, they start giggling. She awakens to the laughter; horrified that she has just pissed her pants in front of the whole class. Mortified, she bolts out of the room crying, with a huge dark patch on the rear of her skirt!.. I have seen attempts at this theme, hope to see more like what I have described. Maybe oneday....

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