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The Dark Wolf

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    Hyper wetting

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  1. I love jeans wettings, and I can tell she really enjoyed this too
  2. What my dreams are usually like, I am trying to find a bathroom, but if I do, the stalls are missing doors or the toilets are missing or are full of sand or something. Eventually I do find a place to pee, and it feels like I am peeing for real, but I always wake up dry.
  3. The dream, because I never pee in my sleep, even if I pee in the dream.
  4. Aaaa rainbow dash!!!!!

    1. The Dark Wolf

      The Dark Wolf

      If you look closely too you'll see I edited an outfit onto her and her peeing in it.

  5. I'm not sure, I haven't counted exactly, but there were a few times when I suspected I did. I'd have to really have to go though, and I'm sure at least one of those instances was a planned wetting.
  6. While humiliating scenarios are fun to fantasize about, for real life I definitely prefer when they enjoy it, or at least are able to laugh it off.
  7. I have done holds attempting to lose control, but have only done so in spots where my body recognizes as spots to pee. Usually I just get impatient and pee voluntarily in what I am wearing for the hold.
  8. Shouldn't this go in the Off Topic discussion?
  9. It's all about the wetting to me. Desperation before merely enhances it.
  10. I've woken up desperate, though not to the point of dribbling. If I don't have any specific plans early in the day, I will put on one of my wetting outfits, sit in the bathtub, and pee. I kind of want to experience just letting go laying there, but it is a bit extra work to wash my waterproof mattress protector and then the sheets separately. Maybe if I'm feeling up for that, sometime.
  11. If we were alone together then yes.
  12. Did you swim in your wet jean shorts too?
  13. Note: This story contains farts, which will start off (and there will be a brief moment in the second scene, kind of). But the primary focus will still be wetting. Daisy and Peach: Wet Facesitting "Hey Peach, how about we race on Hurdles? Winner sits on the loser's face for an hour!" "You're on!" The princesses would often make weird bets like this. They stood at the Hurdles racetrack. They were both wearing their sports outfits; for Peach, a pink tank top and short, skintight pink shorts. For Daisy, a yellow tank top and short, skintight orange shorts. "On your mark... Get set... Go!" Daisy and Peach ran and jumped over the hurdles. In the end, Daisy won. "Woohoo! Hi I'm Daisy!" Daisy did a backflip and cheered. "Oh no..." said Peach, already very nervous about what would happen next. ... Peach lay on her back. She was sweating profusely, even with all the water she drank after the race. Daisy was not going to make this pleasant for her. Daisy walked back into the room. "Sorry I'm late. I wanted a quick snack and a drink before the facesitting! Are you ready to get facesat, Peach?" Peach gulped. "Ready or not, here I come!" said Daisy, and she sat on Peach's face. Peach groaned as her face was pressed against Daisy's butt. Her shorts felt damp and grimy as though they hadn't been washed in a week, and had been sweated in every day on a long run, and slept in every night. And they stank, making this all the more likely. It almost smelled as though Daisy hadn't been using toilet paper for a few days either. Peach was already feeling overwhelmed. But, it was her fault for agreeing to this. "How you doing under there, Peach?" Daisy asked. "Mmmmmhhhhhhh!" said Peach. About 10 minutes in, Daisy's stomach made growling noises, but not in the way that meant she was hungry. Daisy grinned mischievously, for this is what she had been waiting for. This was why she had eaten a big plate of beans before sitting on Peach's face, and drank a 2L bottle of soda with fart powder in it. She waited until she felt that pressure inside her that she loved so much, and then... FFFFFFRRRRRRRRT! Daisy sighed of relief at the loud fart that had come out of her. "Mmmmmmhhhhhh!" said Peach, kicking her legs. If it was possible, Daisy's fart smelled worse than her shorts. "Better get used to it, cause there's a lot more where that came from!" said Daisy. And she let loose with a flurry of short, loud, wet farts. Peach was absolutely nauseated underneath Daisy's tush, and she was sure she would smell like farts for a week. Eventually, Daisy stopped farting. Peach felt like she could catch her breath, but it still smelled absolutely foul where she was. "Ooh... This feels like a big one..." said Daisy. "Oh no," thought Peach. She raised her knees in anticipation. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT! This fart was loud, long, wet, and deep-pitched, a sound you would never expect to hear from a princess. It turned very wet near the end. "Mmmmhhhhh..." It was too much for Peach, and she wet her shorts. She felt the warm wetness spread through her crotch and butt as a puddle grew under her. She only half-noticed it though, as all her attention was on the pungent stench she was forced to breathe in. "Looks like someone had an accident," said Daisy with a smile. "Now that I think about it, I really have to go too." Peach got even more nervous, and peed a little more. What was Daisy going to do? Surely she wouldn't... She was a dirty, stinky princess who loved to fart but surely even she would never- Ssssssssssss... Daisy sighed of relief, and soon Peach felt the seat of Daisy's shorts grow wet, soaking her face, her hair, and the top of her outfit as well. She couldn't believe it. Daisy was deliberately peeing herself. On her. They had done some kinky stuff to each other in the past with their competitions. Spankings, wedgies, face-farts, spraying whip cream down their shorts, once Peach had to not wash or change for a week after losing, while, after losing the rematch, Daisy had to shower in her sports outfit twice a day for a week. But this was on a whole new level. Peach let out a muffled moan and emptied her bladder the rest of the way. This was so unpleasant and humiliating. But the part of her that made her do these bets with Daisy enjoyed it. After about a minute, Daisy finished peeing her stinky shorts. "Ahhhh, that's better," she said. She let out a sputtering wet fart, and giggled. Peach lay in her wet shorts, in the puddle that both she and Daisy had made on the floor, her face pressed against Daisy's pee-soaked butt. Now, not only did Daisy's shorts smell of body odor and farts, but also pee. Daisy farted a few more times before her farts subsided. She then picked up another big bottle of soda that she had set nearby. It didn't have fart powder in it, but the farting phase of this was done. She drank down the entire bottle of soda in a few seconds. Peach heard the sounds of Daisy drinking the soda. And there was no doubt in her mind what Daisy intended to do. Pretty soon, Daisy was fidgeting, lightly at first, and then harder. "I gotta go pee!" she said. "But I still have half an hour before I can stand up. I'm gonna wet my shorts!" "Mmmmmhhh..." said Peach. Soon Daisy really needed to go. "Uh-oh! I'm not gonna make it! I'm about to burst!" She probably could have held it at least an hour longer, but she knew what she fully intended to do. Daisy let go and peed again, re-wetting her shorts, and once again soaking Peach's face, hair, and upper tank top, as well as adding to the puddle she was laying in. "Ahhhhhh," she sighed, enjoying the warm wetness spreading through her shorts, as well as the fact that she was peeing on Peach. She peed for nearly a minute before she stopped. Her shorts were very wet, never mind her underwear, but she was greatly enjoying herself. They stayed in this position for another half hour before Daisy's alarm went off. "Aw, already?" she said, and she stood up. Peach sat up, soaked in Daisy's pee as well as her own. "I didn't know you were into watersports too." "That was kind of a spur of the moment thing when I saw you wet yourself," said Daisy. "I can't say I didn't enjoy the results. You all right?" She held out her hand. Peach took Daisy's hand and stood up. "Yes. I'm just really wet, smell like farts, and am in desperate need of a bath." "My bath was overdue a week ago. How about we take a bath together?" "Sounds good to me." So, after cleaning their puddle, they took a bubble bath in their wet, smelly outfits, which needed to be washed as badly as they did. "We'll have to think of something else like that for our next competition," said Peach. "How about..." She whispered into Daisy's ear. "Ooh, I like the way you think," said Daisy. Bubbles appeared in the tub around her. "Hehe... Scuse me?" Peach giggled, until bubbles appeared around her as well. She blushed lightly and giggled nervously. ... The following day, Daisy lay facedown, in her clean, dry sports outfit. She had lost Discus to Peach, and now she was the one to get sat on. Peach set 12 large bottles of soda in front of Daisy, and 12 just beside her. Peach then sat firmly on Daisy's butt. "Now remember, we each have to drink one bottle of soda every ten minutes for the next two hours, starting now." Peach drank one bottle of soda, and Daisy drank one as well. They had chosen their first bottles specifically, for pretty soon, both princesses let loose with short, loud, wet farts, giggling as they felt their butts vibrate against each other. But after about six minutes their farts subsided. 10 minutes in, they drank their second soda. Five minutes later... "Can you get up?" said Daisy. "I have to pee!" "So do I," said Peach. "And we're staying here." Soon they reached the 20-minute marker and drank another soda. "I REALLY have to go!" said Daisy. "If I don't find a bathroom soon I'm gonna have an accident!" Of course she knew this was how it would turn out, but she was putting on a show, and was kind of hoping Peach would go first. "Then just go," said Peach. She let go and peed her shorts, soaking both her rear end and Daisy's. She blushed lightly at the fact that she was deliberately peeing herself, but she had wanted this, and as unprincesslike as it was, she was enjoying it. This was too much for Daisy and she started peeing uncontrollably. She liked the feeling of a full-blown loss of control as she peed her already-wet shorts, with both princesses making a big puddle under Daisy. "Ahhhh," sighed Peach as she finished peeing. "That was lovely. How are you doing, Daisy?" "I peed my pants," said Daisy. "You'll get over it," said Peach with a wink. "You were really enjoying it yesterday." Daisy smiled. 20 more minutes in, they had to pee again. Peach was sure Daisy was as desperate as her. So she grabbed her right foot, which was barefoot as both princesses had taken their shoes off, and started tickling her. Daisy was extremely ticklish, so she started laughing uncontrollably, and in less than 30 seconds she was peeing herself yet again. Peach could hear the hissing noise of her stream spraying her shorts and the puddle beneath her over her laughter, and smiled. Once she was sure Daisy was done peeing, Peach stopped tickling her. Daisy caught her breath. "Aw, man! You made me wet my pants!" "They're about to get wetter," said Peach, and she peed full force, sighing of relief. Daisy giggled at the feeling of Peach's pee soaking her bottom again. Every 10 minutes they drank a big bottle of soda and every 20 minutes they peed. Eventually, their two hours were up. Peach peed one more time before standing up, her shorts dripping. "That was fun. How did you like that, Daisy?" Daisy got into sitting position. She was absolutely soaked, both from laying facedown in her puddle, and Peach peeing while sitting on her, soaking not only her shorts, but the back of her tank top and legs as well. She had peed during the two-hour marker as well. "I loved it." Peach helped Daisy up and they looked at their puddle. "We really made a mess this time." "Well, let's clean it up." After mopping up their puddle, they went to go take another bath. And who knows what kind of thing they'd do in their next competition?
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