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  1. love
    MossIcon got a reaction from themerger in Coming home from pride   
    Today I was at the pride parade at my city. I went there padded because what better excuse would I get to get out diped. Well we had a few beers and I was the only one into omo so I kept everything hidden. I had to change once, the pic is from after getting home and I think it's kind of visible that I'm already close to overflowing again.

  2. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from paardenbloem in Coming home from pride   
    Today I was at the pride parade at my city. I went there padded because what better excuse would I get to get out diped. Well we had a few beers and I was the only one into omo so I kept everything hidden. I had to change once, the pic is from after getting home and I think it's kind of visible that I'm already close to overflowing again.

  3. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from Noname0 in This man needs to be educated.   
    You could just use a regular old link instead you know.
  4. Upvote
    MossIcon reacted to nappypants in telling your partner about your fetish - the best answer yet   
    That’s forcing it on them non-consensually, though…
  5. Upvote
    MossIcon reacted to Alex62 in telling your partner about your fetish - the best answer yet   
    If you do that to a partner, maybe you shouldn’t be partners. 
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from paardenbloem in Diapered musicians/artists   
    So I'm a bit of a bedroom producer, and I found that being padded while making tracks helps me with focusing. It's not just that I don't have to get up to the bathroom, I just feel a lot more comfy, especially when I'm already wet. Obviously I can't do that when I'm rehearsing with my bands, but when I'm in the rehearsal room alone I still like to wear, for the same reason I do when I'm just producing and for my solo work I'm planning for a diaper as a part of my stage fit.

    Anyone else having similar habits?
  8. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from WetterMesser in Hangover bladder   
    Does anybody else experience this? When I'm hungover my bladder seems a lot weaker than usual. I can hold just fine, it just feels like more effort and just letting go is a lot easier than when I'm sober. I tend to wear diapers for sleeping drunk, not because I wet the bed drunk, but simply because I don't want to get up, but I also
  9. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from eru in Maybe an odd fantasy, but... drummers?   
    From the specific movements involved in drumming I don't think, but maybe from the overall exertion or if you're one of those lucky people who get so lost in their focus they forget about everything else. Maybe with those extreme metal genres where you don't even put in that much force but you need to hit like 60 beats a second. I don't know much about those techniques but I reckon you'd need to be either very relaxed or very tense, both of which can trigger an accident under the right circumstances. But really to me it's more about the general posture. If you sit on that stool like you would on a toilet my mind will add its own interpretation.
    Apparently Joey Jordison (Rest well and in power) had this pre-stage ritual in the early days of Slipknot where he would just piss himself backstage. But that's of course backstage and not while playing. Pic may or may not be faked, I got it from this Reddit thread.

  10. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from .s04k_urs3lf. in Maybe an odd fantasy, but... drummers?   
    From the specific movements involved in drumming I don't think, but maybe from the overall exertion or if you're one of those lucky people who get so lost in their focus they forget about everything else. Maybe with those extreme metal genres where you don't even put in that much force but you need to hit like 60 beats a second. I don't know much about those techniques but I reckon you'd need to be either very relaxed or very tense, both of which can trigger an accident under the right circumstances. But really to me it's more about the general posture. If you sit on that stool like you would on a toilet my mind will add its own interpretation.
    Apparently Joey Jordison (Rest well and in power) had this pre-stage ritual in the early days of Slipknot where he would just piss himself backstage. But that's of course backstage and not while playing. Pic may or may not be faked, I got it from this Reddit thread.

  11. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from .s04k_urs3lf. in Maybe an odd fantasy, but... drummers?   
    I actually think if you need to go really bad and overexert yourself, provided of course you can still focus on playing, it may trigger the floodgates instead of clenching up. I think at that point your focus will be mostly gone though, even if you're into it.
  12. Upvote
    MossIcon reacted to eru in Maybe an odd fantasy, but... drummers?   
    yeah, people do it. a drummer in one of my bands (99 percent sure not into omo or anything involving any type of body fluid, kind of a "neat freak" i mean that in the nicest way possible) almost did it at some random show in NYC in a venue that smelled like pee. he referenced a bunch of big ish name metal / rock bands that just say f it and piss on stage. all kind of aggressive dude bro drenched in sweat acts from what i recall, not really my ultimate fantasy. kinda interesting though. a little bit of humanity shining through in the music biz machine.
  13. Upvote
    MossIcon reacted to Quest in Maybe an odd fantasy, but... drummers?   
    I enjoy wearing a diaper while playing drums at home, but find it really hard to let go while playing, even if it did work a couple of times. That was actually amazing.
    Whether or not I would wet on stage... I guess sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality. ;)
  14. Upvote
    MossIcon reacted to Tellnoone in Maybe an odd fantasy, but... drummers?   
    I  have played in bands a lot, but since I don´t really experience unplanned desperation I have never needed to pee on stage. 
    A few times during omo play on my own though, I have been playing the guitar and singing passionately with a very full bladder (already leaking), and it has been the perfect way to calm my bladder down. The desperation magically disappears and as soon as I stop playing it´s coming back. I haven´t tried this while playing the drums, but I guess it would have the same effect, and I don´t think I could wet on purpose while playing. I also don´t think drumming would cause any stress leaks since you´re sitting down and the movements don´t cause much pressure on your pelvic floor.  Of course if you´re just desperate enough you´ll have an accident, but not because you´re drumming. 
    I think in a rock band holding competion (all individual differences ignored) the winner would be the drummer, followed by bass and guitar (since they´re standing up) and the loser who would have the first leak would be the lead singer who is jumping around the most. But I´m not sure, because on the other hand, if your pelvic floor is stable then jumping around might be eaxctly what saves you from having bladder spasms. Carrying a heavy instrument might have some impact on your holding too. What do you think? 
  15. Upvote
    MossIcon reacted to SomewhatSoaked in Maybe an odd fantasy, but... drummers?   
    This reminds me of an exact story I found on Reddit:
  16. love
    MossIcon got a reaction from Ms. Tito in Best/Worst Omo PICKUP LINES?   
    "I don't know how you feel about yourself but you're definitely number 1 in my pants."
  17. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from OmoAddict in Girl peeing on stage   
    They were also probably fake, invented by Wetset magazine. Pre-internet that was pretty easy because how'd you gonna check? So far no real evidence of actual concerts or records has surfaced.
  18. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from Cottonjenny in Girl peeing on stage   
    They were also probably fake, invented by Wetset magazine. Pre-internet that was pretty easy because how'd you gonna check? So far no real evidence of actual concerts or records has surfaced.
  19. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from TheEvilDog in My friends first time wetting   
    I have a friend who's really curious about it and I think she's turned on by me doing it (even when it comes to poop) but she's still too shy about it. I can't push her of course but maybe she could improve her life a lot if she just learned to piss her pants for stress relief.
  20. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from nappypants in Maybe a weird question but...   
    does anyone else take a few seconds when passing women in high-waisted jeans, especially loose-fitting ones, because the way they fit around their underbellies kinda looks like there's a diaper underneath? If it's just me that's fine just as well, then I'm just weird.
  21. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from WetterMesser in 2 Girls Wetting Together (Help Finding the Original Video)   
    One of them is SweetPee, or LazySuzy, or Eli, or whatever she calls herself on whatever platform. I like how, while she found her thing with this fetish, actually had to actually find out about it first. She's laughing because it's absurd to piss yourself on purpose and really it is... and that's where it gets exciting.
  22. Upvote
    MossIcon reacted to TheEvilDog in My friends first time wetting   
    Im going to have a lot more from her. I think she really likes the idea of it being taboo, and she likes the idea of other people getting off to her lol. She's a fun friend
  23. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from Ms. Tito in Are there any Japanese girls here?   
    I don't know much about Japan but from what I understand the reason why this fetish is such a massive industry is because they're putting a huge lot more emphasis on modesty than most western countries do (and yes, that includes the US). After all, one model of how fetishes come about in a person is that they learn to think of sexuality as something icky, so they shift their focus towards things that aren't inherently sexual. This also means that the objects or actions towards their arousal is shifted will become just as taboo, and from what I've heard from Japanese people yes it's somewhat common but nobody talks about it because well, pissing your pants is shameful basically everywhere, and the more repressive a society is about sexuality the more shameful it is about kinks too.
    And there is another dimension: To many Japanese men but also Westerners with yellow fever women being sexually submissive isn't just a sexual fetish. It's almost political. It's what you get from a conservative society that can't shield itself from all those modern conveniences such as clothing that doesn't feel like wearing a coffin (note that I'm generalizing here, I'm not talking about Japanese clothing specifically) but still puts a huge emphasis on the conservatism. Sometimes the idea of "putting women in their place" takes the form of a sexual fetish. This works in porn but not necessarily in real life.
    That's just an attempt at an explanation of how this is such a big thing in Japanese porn. There's a lot more to it really but I'd need to read it up and frankly I'm a very lazy person.
    What I do find interesting though is how Russian amateur material has blown up in the last four years. I don't think there's much too it though, VK has become big and it allows people to post their own porn, go figure.
  24. Upvote
    MossIcon reacted to OmorashiOnna in Are there any Japanese girls here?   
    I'm a lady, not a girl, but yes. I guess it's ironic I insist on being an adult woman when I wet myself all the time, but whatever.
    I find it interesting that this kink is so associated with Japan, because it's not more common than in other places. I have 1 female friend into Omorashi, and my husband likes it when I have an accident, but that's it. There certainly aren't Omorashi clubs with dozens of women in them like there are for sports. I'm lucky to have some people I can enjoy it with, but I don't exactly tell my boss at work that I've got a diaper on under my skirt, because it would be really inappropriate. Though it's super convenient not to have to take a toilet break and just have my toilet under my skirt.
    One time I tripped and my skirt flew up and revealed my used diaper, which was pretty embarrassing, but fortunately no one said anything. I got some funny looks, but nothing too bad. People are mostly quite civil here in Japan.
  25. Upvote
    MossIcon got a reaction from kpeepants in Night out with a friend   
    So last night I was out drinking with a friend who knows about my fetish. She's not into it but since she spends most of her life with punks - in her own words - she's seen worse. She's staying over the weekend and we had planned on going out drinking, so initially I remarked as a joke she might see me end up losing control... her answer was to just go if I want to. So then I actually started to plan this, she agreed on walking home instead of taking the last night bus and just when we left the inner city where a small patch of forest in the middle of the city has been untouched by city architecture for historical reasons I gave in to my already aching bladder. Didn't fully release everything so I just spurted out every now and then on our way, occasionally stopping our walk so I could release... well, this is what came out in the end...

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