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pguy69 last won the day on March 10 2014

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  1. I agree with this 100%, love stories where the lead character uses the word wee! I agree with this 100%, love stories where the lead character uses the word wee! For the record, Flush, your writing stands out too! Jessica's Interview is one of my all time favourites that I have returned to again and again and again!
  2. Like WiiGuy, I am delighted to see you back, you are one of my favourite writers too, and your Leah series has been revisited by me time and again! Leah's Night Out and Leah's final exam are the 2 that particularly stand out, but everyone is a masterpiece. We clearly share a love of desperation and anyone that can portray that as well as you can will always be a top writer to me! A niche contributor you maybe, but don't, for a second think you are not that good! Your stories are outstanding and I am thrilled that you are active again! I for one, would love to see more from you!
  3. This is incredible! I am so proud of you, and SO happy for you that his reaction was everything you had wished for! This is the best thing I have seen all day!
  4. Were you not tempted to ask for a stop, or to rip aside your panties as soon as you were out of the car and just let rip in public?
  5. This is incredible! Anther great story from you, thankyou so much for sharing your writing with us!
  6. I love asking people about their most desperate experiences, only if you are comfortable to share though, of course! My DMs are always open and welcoming if you like to chat privately…I guess the good thing about EXTREME desperation like that is that the relief is mindblowing, provided you made it? That must have been the most blissful pee you’ve ever experienced!
  7. Only ever do what you are comfortable with, but please rest assured there are people here on your wavelength, who are absolutely loving what you are writing! I am definitely one of those people!
  8. Great story! I hope this is the start of many for you, and I would love to hear more about your own experience that this was loosely based on!
  9. Enjoy the feeling while it happens, worry about the cleanup later. Panties wash and bathrooms are easily cleanable, It is so worth it!
  10. The sound is incredible, especially on the third video! They are absolutely brilliant and I am so proud of you for reaching the stage where you can share them! Let me tell you too, your body is stunning, you don't need to ask anybody not to be nasty about it, because it is stunning and nobody would! You look great, and it sounds like you feel great! I put that down as a good afternoon!
  11. You are more than welcome. You should be confident, you are amongst friends who share your interests, and I would love read more of your writing. Please do feel free to DM me too if you are comfortable chatting. Honestly, for a first post, it is REALLY good!
  12. This is a great first post, I really enjoyed your writing and I REALLY enjoyed the concept. You have nothing to be nervous about, and I can't wait to read more of what is happening in that mind of yours!
  13. This is incredible, thankyou so much for sharing! Your husband is a lucky guy. The post could do with some formatting for ease of reading, but the content is superb, I love it, and for a first "experience post" it is outstanding!
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