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female "Hold-It Hike" Trina Comic


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About This File

Trina is back, this time starring in an adaptation of a short story posted on the ToiletStool forums. This story shares an Old Posts Page with a tale that's already been illustrated, so rather than have 2 stories numbered the same way and design a new girl for this one-paragraph story I thought I'd give this one to my popular original character. After all, this is exactly the kind of situation I could see my girl getting herself into - with her stubbornness and pride getting in the way of proper relief. This story is also different from the others I've done so far in that it isn't told from the perspective of who's having the accident. Understandably, a good bunch of the ladies who have these big humiliating predicaments are going to be too embarrassed to share their stories themselves, so instead we sometimes have to rely on the storytelling of these lucky witnesses. There will be more stories in this format that'll get adapted, but to ease into this new perspective I'll have the story shared between the narrator's original account and the things Trina thinks that were likely going through this poor girl's head at the time.

A poster going by "de-lurker" breaks their silence on Old Posts Page #1931 with two brief witnessed accidents that happened within a few weeks of one another, but this first one from their post is definitely the highlight. They describe being on a group hike, leaving it to my imagination the audience of what happens next. It's a long day hike that doesn't have any proper bathrooms, so most of their fellow hikers squat behind bushes and trees to relieve themselves along the way. The girl that Trina portrays, however, didn't want to have that be part of her hiking experience. Perhaps she's just never peed outdoors before, maybe she was shy about someone maybe seeing her bare bottom as she took care of her business? In any case she chose to hold it for the duration of the hike, even though her bladder fills the entire time and makes it harder and harder to hide her discomfort. Realizing there's no outhouse or public restroom for miles, and that even making it to the car still means holding it for the drive, she finally decides to answer nature's call as their ride comes into view. But nature runs its course a few seconds early, and before she can even get her pants fully down urine starts gushing out of her. Then, for whatever reason, she freezes up once her clothes are around her knees and proceeds to pee into her pants. Whether its pure exhaustion, not thinking to bend her knees and get the stream over the stream, or if her pants already becoming wet makes such a move pointless, she urinates all over her jeans, unleashing a very full bladder in front of anyone who cared to see. Somehow she managed to have every bad outcome possible in one - she was seen basically naked, seen peeing a ton in public, and now has to ride home wearing the contents of her aching bladder all over her soaked jeans. One can only imagine what was going through her mind during her bladder voiding itself in such a humiliating way, but that's where Trina and this comic come in.

This story contains 18 pages plus the cover, and all 19 files have both their original resolution forms included as well as scaled-down copies that are easier to read when made full-size. Naturally, a story about a girl who pees her pants while they're pulled down to her knees is going to involve some nudity, so expect to see Trina's butt and privates during her accident. There might also be a bare bottom or two from the other hikers as well, the ones that had the sense to squat in nature and take care of their bodies' needs before it was too late. The story itself might only be a couple sentences, but considering how long it must have taken this girl to empty her bladder there are over a dozen drawings of Trina doing her business standing, wetting her pants in a most unusual fashion. And before that happens you'll see plenty of poses where she desperately holds herself and tries to put off nature's insistent call until she has the luxury of an actual toilet. Finally, thank you to everyone who continues to buy and support my work over this summer. Like us all I've had a pretty full plate navigating my life during all the chaotic changes this year's provided, but drawing omorashi art is one of the few constant comforts I've kept to both give me a little spare money and some familiar joys among everything else happening in the world. I know my posting of new content is sporadic at best, but as long as I have fans and customers I'll do my best to keep producing no matter what life throws my way. Hope you all enjoy the teases of this comic and special thanks to everyone who purchases and downloads the entire thing!

The original text can be found halfway down this webpage: https://www.toiletstool.com/toilet/toiletpostbvg.htm

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Hey... your art style looks very reminiscent of El Goonish Shive. Did you got support from that? And no, I'm not criticizing you.

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