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About This File

After several delays, the next WesternWets ToiletStool adaptation is finally here! This one changes up the format a little as it's told from the perspective of a bystander. A fellow named Brandon shares what happened when he went on an outing to a corn maze with his extended family. Right away he notices his sister-in-law has to really use the bathroom, but she skips a stop at the port-a-potty and similarly refuses to give in by peeing in the corn maze when her need gets worse. She finds the humor in her dilemma but choosing to keep holding it soon takes a turn for the worst, since they are after all stuck in a maze and her bladder probably won't be able to wait until she exits the maze to empty its full load. When nature finally takes its course and all that urine pours out into her jeans, will she be able to laugh it off with all her relatives who become witnesses. It gets even better when the storyteller's wife realizes her own need to pee while she's laughing at her sister's accident...

I apologize for all the setbacks for this one, it was supposed to go out a long time ago and I'm trying to find a balance of my own life and these comics so that I can have one come out once a month or at least every other month. This comic has 22 pages and includes a separate folder containing copies of each image at its original sizing. The second wetting isn't too spectacular, but this girl the story's about really had to go and absolutely floods her pants, so I thought this little double wetting would be a good entry to restart the releases of these. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below, I still have several more of these stories I wanna adapt, as well as some fictional ones starring my own characters and a series of real-life tales my girlfriend shared with me. Until the next one, enjoy~

This comic is adapted from a story originally found at this page - https://www.toiletstool.com/toilet/toiletpostcrd.htm

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