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  1. Past hour
  2. A new YouTube channel is producing high quality domestic (diaper) discipline videos.
  3. Before I tell you my request are you okay with two females or are you sticking with one?
  4. I have a request of super girl hovering above the city holding her crotch saying I wish a cry would happen so I can stop it and use the bathroom.And I believe supergirl Is an adult with all these different versions of her? I don't know if she is or not.
  5. I don't know how long a meeting lasts in a Corporal setting.But a store meeting for me normally lasts about an hour
  6. In my opinion there is nothing nicer than watching (and enjoying) a massive long flood in your pants. Thanks for sharing, the pictures looked great and you clearly enjoyed it.
  7. Given the content of some here, if the original thread was nuked it's probably because a lot of the videos were against the rules.
  8. Today
  9. While I haven’t tried them yet (They are not currently in my budget.), I imagine that Tykables, Crinklz, or Rearz (and some similar products) might work well in that type of situation (based on some of the online reviews that I have seen).
  10. It's not me. I thought that was pretty clear.
  11. Another wonderful example of needing a face to sit on in my piss soaked jeans. These ones are extra soaked and dripping 💦


    1. Roronoa Zoro

      Roronoa Zoro

      Again I don't like face sitting , but I would smack that butt

  12. So I decided I wanted to really test my limits and see how long I could hold to celebrate my birthday month! I ended up drinking 3 waters, and holding for 3-4 hours. I pee hourly about. Feeling my bladder filling up and the urge getting stronger I changed into my jeans and held for a little while more. Listening to music and singing/rapping along was a great distraction to help me hold longer. After about 30 minutes I couldn't take it anymore. Setting my Tripod up while dancing around wondering if I would start peeing early. I was able to hold it long enough to film! And get these amazing pictures. The warmth flowing for so long soaking up so much in my jeans was such a good feeling. I peed for 48-50 seconds and acknowledge when I'm done in the video even cuz it's so long! Video will be up later for sale. But here's some pics to enjoy! And I hope you liked my telling of it!
  13. I was a little embarrassed at first. Even though we both love the fetish it was my first time wetting the bed with him in it. But I was also excited to tell him after that moment had passed haha. It was exciting overall for sure. He was so happy and I loved the way the trickling down me felt.
  14. Detention While Jake tried to focus on the pretest his anxiety cause an increasing feeling of the need to pee. He remembered he last felt like this when he had DETENTION in high school that ended badly for him.
  15. Cute art! I wonder if her stat spread shifts as she drinks more and levels up
  16. haha. my now ex-wife didn't hear anything. it was a bit windy and I was controlling my stream so it wouldn't be too noticeable soundwise haha
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